View Full Version : WoW strat...fishing

December 19th, 2004, 09:20 PM
In case you boneheads don't keep up with the boards over at Blizzard, I have some VERY good info for you.

You may or may not know they nerfed fishing about2-3 weeks ago because of bots. They stripped all the fish and loot for the top tier locations like Booty Bay.

They are getting ready to reintroduce fish to those places but with a catch. Fishing advancement will now be dependant on character level. You can no longer be a level 10 toon and have 225 in fishing. The good thing is you have a few more days before they patch that in. If you don't have fishing, this is what you do.

Go to a fishing trainer. There is on in Goldshire by the docs. You can buy a fishing pole off any merchant for I think 9 copper. Start fishing.

Fish Goldshire till you get to about level 50 or so. Walk to Lakeshire (It's to the East in Redridge). Start fishing Everstill lake. You can also get a quest from the fisherman on the docks near town and get a lil extra for your work. Nice loot and 1250 XP. Fish Everstill till you hit 75. Now it get dicey for lowbies but bear with me.

If you dont have the flight path for Lakeshire to Iron Forge head back to Stormwind and take the tram......START WALKING.

You need to walk from Iron Forge all the way to The Wetlands. Follow the road in Wetalnds to the North..DO NOT LEAVE THE ROAD unless you are AT LEAST a lvl 20. You may get aggored but its not too bad. I made the walk with only 1 aggro and thats because I was typing and not paying attention.

At the end of the road is Menethil harbor. With your 75 fishing you can fish Menethil Bay (the catch rate is HORRIFIC till you hit about 95). START FISHING.

You can ramp up all the way to 150 in Menethil. Here you will catch "the good stuff" clams with pearls, armor, weapons, and other assorted loot that sells for good coin.

You can stop here but if youre REALLY motivated...read on.

150 is the cap without training as an expert. To become an expert you need the fishing book sold in Booty Bay.....Time to walk again, and swim. Bring lots of cash, the book is 1 gold and you'll need about 20 silver for airfare.

Hopefully, you've been collecting Gryph waypoints on the way and can fly from Menethil to Iron Forge, then from Iron Forge to Stormwind. If you have the flightpath for Westfall....fly there.

Once in Westfall head to the sea. Work your way through the aggros down to the lighthouse in S/W Westfall. Start swimming South.

This is about a 15 minute swim and it's VERY DANGEROUS. You WILL die at least once. Swim to Booty Bay. Once at Booty Bay walk up the ramp to the second level and in one of the rooms is Hemming. He will sell you the book for 1 gold that will let you fish up to the cap of 225. Another important note: Booty Bay is a MAJOR hub for intercontinental travel. High end players from both factions gather her to beat the hell out of each other. I'm on a PvP server so it's all fair game. Just be aware you can get ganked at anytime because it is a contested area.

You may be asking why should I bother...well, after the nerf, you won't be able to hit the fishing cap till around lvl 55 with your toon. Im a lvl 18 and and I'm at 210 fishing right now. I will cap before the patch. Once fishing comes back to Booty Bay and the other uber spots the potential for cash is silly. All the high end stuff pre-patch has long since ben snatched up so the market is pretty bare for things like black and gold pearls and some other high end items that you can fish out of the high end lakes and seas.

This is PURELY a money making venture and really serves no other purpose. If you want to eek out a meager existance, by all means....run quests. If you want to CONSTANTLY have 3-5 gold or more in your wallet...MAX OUT FISHING!

This whole process is not a quick one. Plan on spending anywhere from 10-15 hours to cap.

p.s. If you don't want to do the whole Booty Bay part, you can catch some nice stuff in Menethil. Just not the caliber of the high end spots.

December 19th, 2004, 10:21 PM
Wow, if i didnt see Boneheads i might have read farther... but since we boneheads "do get newsletters" -those who subscribed to the newsletter- from blizzard we wouldnt know about it.

In any event i'm still doing it, off and on, i like quest's more than anything.


December 20th, 2004, 12:44 AM
Leave it to you to take that personal. Bonehead is no diffrent then n00b, b00n, nub, knuclehead, dork, kr0d or any one of 50 diffrent names I could have used. Unless I missed something the newsletter DOESN'T give you a DETAILED...COMPLETE walk through of who what when where why and how to get there. Oh, and your "off and on" will only help for another "day or two" when they patch it.

December 20th, 2004, 06:00 AM
yea someone just told me bout it, doh! i guess ill get higher in lvl first, then, do it, because what ive done is pretty fun

December 20th, 2004, 06:19 AM
gg acid :twak

December 20th, 2004, 07:44 AM
thats a lot to do, sheesh.. i think i'ma stick to local quest for now.. thnx for info though cfh

December 20th, 2004, 08:12 AM
Does having the game help with understanding what he just said? :D

December 20th, 2004, 10:38 AM
lol maybe.. i got confused and stopped cause I don't know my way around that well yet.. just know stormwind really

December 20th, 2004, 10:59 AM
yeah, I'm gonna be all over fishing booty bay when the patch comes out. I think I'm gonna swim down tonight and buy my fishing book so I can get my skills up even more.

December 20th, 2004, 11:45 AM
w00t for Roxy!!! I capped this morning :D

December 20th, 2004, 12:18 PM
you are still playing on the wrong server aren't ya, b00n?

December 21st, 2004, 03:18 PM
I wonder if the patch will adjust your cap back down. hmm. I wonder

December 21st, 2004, 03:49 PM
I hear from the wife that the fishing in Booty Bay is underwhelming so far...

December 22nd, 2004, 01:16 PM
omg that patch took forever lol!! took me about 3hrs and my bro 5 hrs.. sheesh!

December 22nd, 2004, 03:46 PM
Thay nerfed the HELL out of fishing. I mean out of existance. I fished for about 20 minutes this morning. All I caught was fish. Worse part is they DESTROYED the resale value. Firefins used to be 25c each to a vendor now they are 6c. Same with the Oilys. But, under every turd...a little grass grows. Collect firefins and Oilys..all you can get. Put them up in AH for whatever the current list is for your server. Im hearing its around 65s to 1g for a full stack of 20. Those 2 are used heavily in alchemy and sell very well. Not the windfall we fall were expecting but still decent coin. You really need to plan around your fishing though. A stack is gonna take you awhile to fish up.

December 22nd, 2004, 04:41 PM
omg you aint joking, im not gonna fish, ima stick with alchemy...and maybe tailoring...

December 22nd, 2004, 04:52 PM
If you got alchemy you BETTER fish or you'll be one of those guys paying 1g for a stack of fish. Firefins are available starting at lvl 75 in Menethil. If you ain't there it's in your best interest to get there. Im a leatherworker and w/o skinning i'd be hosed. How you gonna be an alchemist and a tailor? Where you getting your herbs from?

December 22nd, 2004, 07:59 PM
Ill train to be an Alchemist and a Tailor. You just said they screwed fishing and things dont cost as much, so why bother fishing when i can afforod it? Linen.. wow...thats hard to find...

December 22nd, 2004, 09:18 PM
Read it again...i said the VENDOR price is screwed. Meaning the price a vendor pays YOU for the fish is borked. The AH price is gonna SOAR because NO ONE wants to fish now. Those industrious enough...and patient enough to hassle with it and deal with the AH are gonna price gouge...just watch. Do what you want but taking non complimentary professions is a bad idea. You could always grind up an alt but herbalism isnt one you want to do that with because the "good" herbs will be way out of your reach because of the mobs in the area. Make your alt the tailor becuase you can send him linen and spider silk you main harvests. You wont be able to do it the other way because unles you grind you alt WAY up like your main you won't be able tokill spiders for silk. Slik droppers start at level 20.

December 24th, 2004, 07:35 PM
hey i was on the GM galactic mercenaries website earlier and sounds like quit a few guys there are playing wow on 2 difrent servers i whated to see if we could cordianate getting the 2 groups togaether.so ill try and get a list from them whos playing and what server etc. they are bunch of goods guys and gals. roxet / i think bighead and maybe ernie is on the list.
