View Full Version : 100% your download is finished. Click to play game!

November 17th, 2004, 09:14 AM
Ok just in case any of you guys get this problem where steam loads the 400+ min download, then says finished, you start up the game, and then it crashes at the loading screen. Well apparently 100% means 75% to steam, make sure steam is up and it should have the "Steam - Working..." icon in the traybar (that still makes me laugh.. steam.. working...). Click on status and notice anything? Apparently after the 100% ready to play window appears, there is still one more update that steam works on in the background. Let steam download that update / whatever it is and then you can play half-life 2.


November 17th, 2004, 09:17 AM
thanks H, have not DL it yet, but will check for it..
