View Full Version : The Incredibles

November 5th, 2004, 11:39 PM

RiverRat, my neighbor and his family and myself just got back from watching this movie. All I can say is...this is the funniest movie that I've seen in a long, LONG time. It's just freakin hilarious...for adults AND for kids.

oh...and Jay..."Dad-gum!" LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahah

November 5th, 2004, 11:47 PM
daaaaaaaaaaa guuuuuuuuuuuuuum

November 5th, 2004, 11:52 PM
Yea, I went and saw it with my old man. Decent flick, even though the only reason we went to see it was for the episode 3 preview :)

November 8th, 2004, 08:14 AM
I almost missed the Ep 3 preview because I went back out to get popcorn! But as I was leaving the theater to go to the concession stnad, I heard the Star Wars music and hoofed it back to my seat.

I LOVED the Incredibles! I didn't think it was as good as some of Pixar's other stuff (Finding Nemo and Monster's Inc) but it was still really fun. A lot of adult humor!

November 8th, 2004, 08:21 AM
I thought it was hilarious! Great movie!

November 14th, 2004, 08:36 PM
Aye me and the wife took the kids to this and it was a great movie..Soooo Funny.

November 14th, 2004, 08:58 PM
Hey Heater you in TX now right ?

November 14th, 2004, 10:13 PM
Yep in old Jasper county..North of Boumont.Where you and Sweets at again in Texas?
All us Texas bOOns need to get together=)

November 15th, 2004, 07:12 AM
good movie!! Man that women had a big ol arse!

November 15th, 2004, 07:30 AM
I heard this one wasn't age appropriate for a 4 yr old? anyone have a thought on this?

November 15th, 2004, 07:50 AM
WHAT? I don't think there would be any problem for any agre group...imho. Heck, Jay liked it and we all know he's really old...and there were young kids in there, so I don't think there would be a problem

November 15th, 2004, 03:03 PM
This movie toooootaaaallly rocccked duuuudee!

