View Full Version : Who outside of South Carolina...

October 24th, 2004, 03:05 AM
Has heard of or been to South of the Border?

I was researching my thread on Acid's lizard man, and I found a profile of South of the Border on the same site and thought I'd ask...it's a real SC one of a kind place!


And also, Political Correctness has affected it as well (or at least Pedro's billboards)

Additional Links:

This link has GREAT pics of the famous billboards, but the author is SO idiotic, he calls I-95, I-90...dummy.
http://www.graffiks.com/dylan_articles/dylan36_sob.html (also note, this link has some of the more naughty stuff from the "dirty old mans shop" at the end...)
And this site is wrong about the history:

Evidently, there really was a Jose, who built this place. His wife owns it now and is trying to sell it. I also found out, from talking to the locals, that she owns her own billboard company, which is why they can afford to have all those stupid billboards.

South of the Border was started by Alan Shafer, and started as a Beer Stand. And it's PEDRO not JOSE (again a real dummy - he apparently didn't pay attention to the billboards) He is right about the cheezy crap, but yeah, it's true americana! Vintage crap, like pink flamingo's that you just don't see anywhere else. I for one, as cheesy as the place is, would hate to see SOB and it's billboards go to the wayside.

October 25th, 2004, 11:09 AM
South of the Border ... hummm ... don't think I've ever been there. (I'm wishing, been by it a hundred times, luckily, I never stopped)
