View Full Version : Cheap Beer...

September 28th, 2004, 12:20 AM
OK, I'm 'bout Half - Buzzed, and thought I'd have a little fun...

As most of you know I've fallen on some hard times recently, and through it all (thank GOD) I wasn't able to afford any alcohol...if I HAD been able to, I really don't want to know what may have happened...

Anyway - as I'm starting to get back on my feet, I've been able to enjoy a few "beverages" now and again. For example, this weekend, I got my first "real" paycheck (althought they will get better since I got a full 40 hr full time position, and more money per hour) and my mom got her first paycheck as well (she's working at Best Buy too for those that didn't know)...

Anyway, with that first "real" paycheck and a little extra over bills, I bought myself a Pint of Makers Mark to celebrate...and my mom a Pint of Segrams 7 (Her Favorite)..

Anyway, here lately, althought I've had money for beer, I haven't had money for "good" beer, i.e., Guiness, Bass, Harp (not "Fine" beer, but "Good" beer)

Anyway, here lately, although it's usually my "Grocery Store" beer, I've been limited to Miller High Life, but I was getting bored w/ it, and started experiment...I have tried so far:

Miller High Life (of course) 4.99 12 pack
Milwaukee's Best Ice 4.99 12 pack
Pabst's Blue Ribbon 5.49 12 pack
Keystone Light 5.29 12 pack
Schlitz 5.49 12 pack
King Cobra 99cent 24oz Can
Magnum 40 99c 40oz bottle
St Ides 87cents 24 oz can (UGGGGH!, I ACTUALLY pored this out)
Mad Dog 20/20 (Grape) I used to drink this as well in the old dayz, and revived it - as bad as it ever was 1.29 for a pint.
Schlitz Malt Liquor (Bull as it's known around here) 6.99 15 pack
Olde English 800 1.29 40oz Bottle (this is actually my "old school" beer, drank much of this in my younger dayz)
Colt 45 6.29 15 pack
Steel Reserve High Gravity 211 (8.0ABV) 5.99 12 pack (this stuff will MESS you up! FAST!!!)
Southpaw Light 5.49 12 pack
Red Dog 5.49 12 pack
Coors Original Banquet Beer 7.99 18 Pack (Found it on Sale - I HATE Coors light, but this was surprizingly good)

So what's your favorite "Cheap" beer?

Have fun, and no "Beer Snobbery" this is a fun thread - I know all about "Beer Snobbery" - I used to be one...er...still am one!

September 28th, 2004, 05:21 AM
Well, I've tried "The Beast", but that's really the only beer off your list that I've tried. Sorry...

Lately, my poison has been either Killians Red (drools) or Shiner Bock (which one of the guys at QuakeCon introduced to me). I realize these aren't cheap beers, but they are very good...

September 28th, 2004, 05:23 AM
I started on Schlitz... it was what my Dad drinks. Believe it or not the 10oz cans taste better than the 12oz.

September 28th, 2004, 06:42 AM
still addicted to bud, sorry :) mik is good, just $$$.. although I have been drinking way to much and too fast on weekdays.. been spending to much money on it.. OHWELL HAHA

September 28th, 2004, 07:18 AM

September 28th, 2004, 08:08 AM
Dern... sad thing is I've had most of those b33rs b4 and a few that aint on there.. I don't have "cheap" b33r nights anymore... i just don't.. but when i did.. it was the beast for me....

September 28th, 2004, 08:11 AM
Mad Dog 20/20 is the best for your buck, but Yuengling is probably my beer of choice right now.

[uGa] Saint
September 28th, 2004, 08:30 AM
I live in Milwaukee and my gf's grandfather was a brewmaster at Miller... so I'm gonna have to go with the champagne of beers on this one, w00t! I seriously love it, yum yum

September 28th, 2004, 10:28 AM
Something I ain't had is a while is a Dixie, but I'd probably ssy the Miller HL is my favorite just cuz I remember drinking the ponies when I was a kid.

September 28th, 2004, 11:03 AM
King Cobra and fried chicken! w00t t00t! lmao!

September 28th, 2004, 01:31 PM
WOW Saint! I've never actually heard anyone besides me admit that they like MHL!

And Scott, I didn't know you drank?!?!?

And yeah - just wanted to say - I haven't had ALL these beers in the last 2 weeks or so - It kinda looked like that when I re-read the post...some of these I've had years ago, and usually only once :)

Generally, I get Miller HL, or if they are out, I'll get Milwaukee's Best in either red or Ice, but will not get the light - if that's ALL that's available, I'll just go get a Mt. Dew!

September 28th, 2004, 01:45 PM
OH! I forgot back in my tailgating days at Tech, we would drink Natural Light (which is as close to water as you can come and still put the word "Beer" on the container)

September 28th, 2004, 01:47 PM
Tech, but if you get the Natural light keg cold enough, you can't taste it anyway.

September 28th, 2004, 01:48 PM
Oh Sabre - I'd forgotten all about the Canadian beers - I like Molsons and Molsons Ice!

As well as Moosehead, but that doesn't really qualify for "Cheap" beer though :(

September 28th, 2004, 04:06 PM
Crown Royal...mmmm

September 28th, 2004, 09:50 PM
Dixie and any Abita beer. Mmmm I need a drink now.

September 29th, 2004, 12:08 AM
LIVE THE HIGH LIFE! cant go wrong at that price. thats why its my favorite beer at the moment. if you can stand any taste you should try CAMO if you can find it. 9% alc. drink 2 40s and say goodnight lol

September 29th, 2004, 01:24 AM
Export Light costs about $37 bucks a keg, at least in milwaukee. I had never heard of it before this weekend, but i cant imagine how cheap a case or twelve pack would be.

September 29th, 2004, 06:03 AM
beer that cheap gives ya the squirts dont it?

September 30th, 2004, 01:31 AM
aye, i'm tryin to forget about the day after...
