View Full Version : Alien v. Predator

August 13th, 2004, 02:59 PM
I'd like to know if anyone sees this movie tonight or tomorrow. Is it worth seeing?

August 13th, 2004, 03:14 PM
I will see it tomorrow. and unless somehow it's complete crap, it's worth seeing. but I'm just a tad bit biased.

[sG] Dutchman
August 13th, 2004, 06:51 PM

August 13th, 2004, 08:38 PM

August 14th, 2004, 12:46 AM
Go Preds!!!

Wonder if pred will tell alien "Your one ugly blah blah!"

August 14th, 2004, 11:23 AM
i wanna go see it

August 14th, 2004, 12:31 PM
movie blows ass id rather watch gigli or driving ms daisy than this crap again.

August 14th, 2004, 12:50 PM
edit much? lol

August 14th, 2004, 03:33 PM
Agreed with prime...... even the Action scence were so blurrly you could not really see what was happening. Should have saw collateral instead...

August 14th, 2004, 04:51 PM
So, my question is: Is it worth spending the money on going to see it?

August 14th, 2004, 05:21 PM
total garbarge period.

August 14th, 2004, 05:36 PM
I just saw it and i thought that if u r a guy and u like action u will love the movie. If u r sweetgirl and u enjoy massacring me on the server u will marry it, lol j/p. i thought it was pretty good.

August 14th, 2004, 05:54 PM
movie blows ass id rather watch gigli or driving ms daisy than this crap again.

Er...I think I'd rather watch AVP than Gigli. LoL

August 14th, 2004, 07:00 PM
I liked it. I didn't expect it to be a great acadamy award winning film. there are alot of things that don't mesh (like aliens spawning from embryo to full growth in 20-30 min. and there were about twice as many aliens as there were possible host) but all in all, it's a great action flick if you like the other 6 movies (4 alien, 2 pred) and it leaves open how they can continue the alien movies after Resurection.

I do wish they would have used a predalien in it other than the last 20 sec. the preview showed a full grown one running on the temple. Also, I wish the preds would have been....a little tougher and used more of their equipment.

I think the DVD will show alot in deleted sceens. they edited a bunch from the movie to make it work. basically they rushed the film to fit it in this summer season.

August 15th, 2004, 02:23 PM
Wait For The Dvd it was rushed!!! It was also good better than that Open Water Crap Omg Dont Go See that freaking movie its gay!!!! im in the water were gonna die!! woooo shark yum ...im bleeding ohhh omg were are wee the boat hey look.....omg sharks again ahhh bit me ahhh gurggle float shock dead.....<---dont go see that movie... Ok Back on topic Avp was good i liked it soo stop being boons and hating on it!!! u people ruin everything!!!Ooo yea and Aliens Owning 2 PREDZ WTF!!!<--HAD me pissed for a few!!

August 15th, 2004, 02:39 PM
actually, it was only 1 alien that owned em both... opps...spoiler.

August 15th, 2004, 06:54 PM
you know why because it is one of the worst movies ever made! total garbage i say! the sad thing is though i loved most all the alien movies and the first predator movie. movie was way to rushed and it showed.

August 15th, 2004, 07:36 PM
soooo wat dammit its freaking pred did u see the tribal done on that general pred damn he looked bad ass!!! i just want a movie with preds hunting people and killing alot stuff is that to hard to ask!! and Aliens SucK!!!!

August 16th, 2004, 06:18 AM
lmao @ coqui, Yeah that open water looked kinda unsettling if you've ever been out on the briny away from land. But how much can you do with that movie? The budget must not have been much more than South Park's!!!

August 16th, 2004, 06:42 AM
I'll wait for it to come out on dvd then. Screw paying the money for it if it sux that badly. I still need to go see I robot anyway :P

August 16th, 2004, 10:37 AM
true with so many other good movies out there ill be hard pressed to go pay big money for something ill buy on dvd anyhow. Ohh the tod macfarland (spawn)made the predator figure they look sweet the aliens are all right but the pred guys were way nice

Michael Bolton
August 22nd, 2004, 11:38 PM
Truly a terrible movie. One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Bo Derek will never talk me into seeing another movie again.

August 23rd, 2004, 07:02 AM
I liked it, wife liked it, sister liked it.. heck i'd go again and watch it.. ohwait I don't have to pay though.. haha thnx sh33p!! I thought it was kinda boring at 1st, but the fighter scence were not that bad. That huge freakin momma was skeery I tell ya that!

August 23rd, 2004, 10:30 AM
Ok, it will be a rental or HBO/Stars movie for me, after hearing the reviews and it dropping form 1st place to 4th or 5th in money. Money drop not a good sign.

August 23rd, 2004, 10:33 AM
yeah they cut a ton out, the dvd should be really good though:


August 23rd, 2004, 11:37 AM
I saw it and I would see it again. They did rush it but they did a good job with trying to tie all of the allien movies into the predator movies. If you watched something like HBO's inside look you would get alot more out of the movie. From just watching the movie you don't get the premise that the movie is based on a right of passage for the hunter breed of Predators. The reason the aliens kicked but to start was the humans took their guns but did you see what happened when the last one got his gun, ownage. Also I did think the woman and the predator made friends way to fast. If I were the predator I would have been pissed that they took our stuff and got my 2 friends killed. EOB is right to the queen alien is bad arse. They beat her a litle too easy and don't they realize that she's not dead, just like when she was in the temple when they freexe they hibernate so if hey ever get her off the ocean floor and warm her back up, WATCH OUT. All in all I love the Alien movies (Except the later ones that really suffered but the second one with the space marines is one of my favorite movies of all time. Hicks and Hudson made that movie. Quit being so picky, if you like action you'll like the movie. IMHO

August 23rd, 2004, 11:53 AM
no spoilers here!!! :twak :twak :twak

August 23rd, 2004, 12:32 PM
You tell em Andy! it was a good movie, even though you could nick pick stuff about it (like if the aliens have acid for blood, how's the girl gonna stick her arm inside the aliens head and use it as a shield without getting the crap burned out of her arm.)

but it was a good action flick. but it would help if you had the backgound info on it.

August 23rd, 2004, 02:05 PM
cause the pred cleaned it for her tehhe.. I though it was awesome the pred and her were "buddies". But pred just cool, they walk around like the own the place ha

Michael Bolton
August 24th, 2004, 01:36 AM
An opinion is only as good as the observation behind it. This is why I didn't like the movie: SPOILERS IN HERE

1. Alien was Rated R. Predator was Rated R. You put them together and get PG-13? No.

2. Part of the premise behind the Alien movies was "The human race is DOOMED if the Aliens came to Earth." Surprise, Surprise! they're already here!

3. If the Predators come to our planet every 100 years (since the dawn of time or whatever BS they said) or so to hunt Aliens, don't you think they would have had a little trouble finding human hosts to incubate the Aliens with due to the fact that their "Sacred Rite of Passage Pyramid" was in FRIGGIN' ANTARCTICA? Apparently CONTINENTAL DRIFT PWNS PREDATOR INTELLIGENCE!

4. Weyland (Lance Henriksen/flamethrower loser) is supposedly the multi-billionaire that built Ash (the robot that betrays everyone) in the original Alien movie. And since this is a prequel, the original Alien movies haven't occured yet. HE'S FRIGGIN' DEAD! How do the robots get built?

5. I thought that Sanaa Lathan (the chick) was about to kiss the Predator when he took off his helmet and was mad when she didn't.

6. The Predator's wrist claw was too long. It made him look like a d**ch*b*g. Also, why did one of the Predator's wrist claws NOT melt when he stabbed the Alien? The other Predator's claw did.

7. No offense to you Andyconda, but saying "If you watched something like HBO's inside look..." is wrong. We, as viewers, should not have to go OUT OF OUR WAY to get information integral to the plot of a movie that WE JUST SAW. That is the DIRECTOR'S job to get that information across to us. Not doing so makes a crappy director. I, for one, try my best NOT to watch trailers so I can go into a movie and watch it with an unbiased perspective. Which is probably why I hated this movie so much.

8. The arial reverse spear to the face was pretty sweet, but not worth the $8 I payed for the movie (I had to pay for Bo Derek's ticket too).

9. The humans died too fast (and too "off screen"). Granted, they were basically Alien food since their introduction, but they all died within 15 minutes of each other!

10. Sanaa Lanthan was too much of a wuss in the first part to be taken seriously when she took the Predator's side to fight the Alien menace.

11. The Queen was defeated in a dumb way. Also, how were there Aliens in the "Sacred Temple" anyway (honestly, could someone answer that? I dozed through the first 15 minutes. That was the first time I EVER did that in a theatre.)? The Queen makes FACEHUGGERS not Aliens. Where were the humans to incubate them?

12. The whole "SLO-MOTION" jumps (I counted 3) and "SHAKY-CAM" fighting sequences are so played out. It annoys me almost as much as "WIRE-FU".

That's all I can think of at the moment. I might add some later (probably not though. Listing these problems just made me remember how crappy this movie is).
