View Full Version : Moore VS O'reilly TONIGHT on FOX NEWS

July 27th, 2004, 10:15 AM
Don't miss it. This would be a really good show. And since I work for FOX, I get to personally meet with O'reilly at the studio in ny and congrat him for spanking Moore around. Don't miss the show!!



July 27th, 2004, 10:18 AM
I hope he rips him a new one!!
O'reilly can take that no facts idiot!

July 27th, 2004, 10:59 AM
I'll be watchin!

July 27th, 2004, 11:15 AM
i bet i would waste both of them!!!!!
they are wrestlers right?

July 27th, 2004, 11:42 AM
no you meatball

July 27th, 2004, 11:59 AM
j/k i know who they are...kinda

July 27th, 2004, 12:07 PM
I wish I had cable or something I would love to see that too, Moore needs to be introduced to a freaking cattle prod up the rectum no lube style..

July 27th, 2004, 12:11 PM
You wouldn't have to miss anything. Just go to www.foxnews.com and they should have a video recap of the whole 8 minute discussion.

July 27th, 2004, 01:17 PM
Wait...anyone have the ability to record TV to their computer?! This would make a nice (albeit, alrge) upload

July 27th, 2004, 01:23 PM
I can TiVo it. I don't have my tivo hooked to my PC, but all I would need to do is plug in a usb-ethernet adapter and run a cable to my router. but like NoDiggity said, it will be on Fox's Site already.

-FA- ManiacalClown
July 27th, 2004, 03:29 PM
So it's...

Ultra-Conservative Piece of Crap v. Ultra-Liberal Piece of Crap

And I'd want to watch that, why?

July 27th, 2004, 03:54 PM
Because when you bacome a working, contributing person to this society then you will understand where your hard earned money goes, and what's the difference of liberal BS and the truth, oh young one.

When your 18 sheltered in little town Arkansas, it's easy to have the wool pulled over your eyes, when you are raising a family concerned over their future, your economic well-being, and understand what it is to be free, to see those that are not, and to understand what those before us have fought for, then you will take interest in these matters.

-FA- ManiacalClown
July 27th, 2004, 04:06 PM
Because when you bacome a working, contributing person to this society then you will understand where your hard earned money goes, and what's the difference of liberal BS and the truth, oh young one.

When your 18 sheltered in little town Arkansas, it's easy to have the wool pulled over your eyes, when you are raising a family concerned over their future, your economic well-being, and understand what it is to be free, to see those that are not, and to understand what those before us have fought for, then you will take interest in these matters.


July 27th, 2004, 05:05 PM
if you don't know who michael moore is, please click this:


July 28th, 2004, 07:41 AM
That Michael Moore Interview was a joke. O'Reilly did a poor job in the interview.

They argued, almost the whole time, about Bush being a liar. Michael Moore just wanted to keep it black & white because he knew that was the only way that the statement would hold any water. When in fact, Bush relayed a lie. He was told a lie by his intelligence and he relayed that lie to the people. Would he have still lied if he knew the full truth? I doubt it. Should he have went to Iraq and done his own personal intelligence? GIVE ME A FLIP'n BREAK, but thats what Michael Moore would like you to believe. Every President has told a lie and Kerry has told more than his share just as candidate.

Michael Moore could barely get his far arse up off of the couch to get his cheetos much less last a week in the desert. Then he speaks of the children of parents. I thought they were soldiers. How does the parent feel that sent their kid to the store for milk and then they get shot in a drive by or involved in a fatal wreck? Even sending children to school is dangerous. And at least we are talking about children here. Let me see, I signed up for the armed forces not expecting I would ever see war. I applied, got accepted, and was trained for a job I would never do? If called to perform a job, they do because its their job and I respect them all for that.

I have friends in the armed forces and they are close to me. When the time came, they all WANTED to go to iraq. A couple are on their second trip over there. They make more money (tax free), they move up in rank faster, and other than the sand storms, its just like Louisisana weather. A few would not want to go back because of their own families but if they have their own families, are they still children or are they now men?

As in Diggity's link and as Moore has done, you can always take sentences and words and twist them until they fit your needs but to understand them in the context they were put in takes thought and intelligence.

July 28th, 2004, 08:12 AM
I still say that idiot needs to be deported (Moore).

July 28th, 2004, 08:14 AM
I did like Reilly's question that had more stuttering for a few seconds untill he decided he better answer the right way - "Would you sacrafice yourself, your own life, to remove an evil dictator that has killed 100's of thousands of innocents?"

Reilly could have brought up alot more facts, such as - WMD was not the sole reason we went to Iraq, There were several sources (in and out of our country) reporting Iraq had WMD, Bush acted in best interest of USA and the greater part of the world on intelligence reports, If moore thinks a president lieing to the country is the worst thing that could happen - why didn't he make a documentary about Clinton lieing under oath about performing sexual acts in the highest office in our nation while he is supposed to be leading our country?

why do we give this time even a few seconds of publicity? He makes extremely low budget documentaries and now he's giving his opinion on his views of how the world should work. He's a freakin air bag just trying to get all the publicity he can, stir the pot, cause contraversy, etc. and the press is letting him do it. If there were no interviews, no stories done on him, no one reporting what he was doing or how he was received, etc. no body would care about him.

July 28th, 2004, 08:28 AM
Yes, he is a big wind bag. Did you notice that he would only be willing to sacrifice his life in order to track down the people who killed 3,000 on US soil. He could care less about other countries.

They also ventured off to talk about removing Hitler from power and Moore said something about stopping Hitler before he got to power. So, does that mean he would have advocated war if it were to stop Saddam from even coming to power?

O'Reilly didn't seem as prepared as he should have been, thats all I was saying. He should have hit Moore with multiple questions right after each other in a way that Moore wouldn't have time to twist his answers until they fit.

Someone should do a story on Moore, I'm sure they could dig up tons of dirt and put a nice title on it. :)

July 28th, 2004, 08:43 AM
heh, I bet. Why don't you grab a vid camera and start your own documentary? maybe we could see you on Crossfire, or The Factor in about a year.

-FA- ManiacalClown
July 28th, 2004, 09:52 AM
Been done.

Michael Moore Hates America, anyone?

July 28th, 2004, 10:24 AM
I watched that interview as well. Who wears a baseball cap to an interview on one of the biggest and most watched networks?? a fat disgusting slob named Moore. I mean who can take this guy serious? I sure don't, it disturbed me to watch his fat face jiggle around while he spoke incoherrent sentences.

His whole arguement near the end of the interview was "would you send your child to war over there" or something like that. My answer would be "NO". But my child isn't in the army, if he/she was....that child, now an adult, had made the decision to enter into the armed forces.

I also watched some of the DC last night, that also made me sick.

July 28th, 2004, 11:41 AM
I'm tired of hearing from and about this fat slob. If he doesn't like America then get he should get the hell out. All he's trying to do is make some more money so that he can fund his next piece of crap movie to make the US look bad. Keep feeding him some whoppers so that he'll explode or have a major heart attack.

July 28th, 2004, 11:57 AM
is it me, or does he resemble "the Comic Book Guy" form the Simpsons?
kept expecting him to say "worst war ever"

July 28th, 2004, 03:22 PM
Osama's brother disputes Moore's bs movie, see link:


July 30th, 2004, 03:15 PM
Well I read the transcript, cause I'm poor and don't have cable I have fund set up so if any of you feel like donateing that will be fine too.

I felt like O'Riley soft balled the guy, plain and simple, I feel Moore is just trying to get rich off the whole 911 deal, it would be like someone selling parts of one of the towers or some such nonsene post 911 to make a proffit. If he truly belived what he touts then he would be more proactive, not on sideline throwing spit wads at people.

Bottom line is this, if this guy comes on to any channel that I'm watching I turn it just as quick, he makes me sick and in my opinion teetering on the egde of being a traitor.
