View Full Version : Special Thanks to Spark

May 25th, 2004, 02:11 PM
Last saturday Spark came over to the casa and help me put together my storage shed. He'd been up drinking all night (imagine that :) ) and was still able to give me 8 full hours of hard labor.

Sunday I put the roof on with a little help from another friend. All that's left is to paint the outside and load it up with all the stuff that didn't make it in the house (i.e. my stuff).

Thanks for all the help James. Photos are attached to give you some idea of what went into it. Man there were a lot of pieces parts to figure out.

May 25th, 2004, 04:05 PM
James is a great guy, he built my mame cab! he has the skills :)

May 25th, 2004, 04:29 PM
aaawwww shucks :emb You people r my friends...It's really np... I'd do anything to help ya out.... That goes for all j00 b00ns! BTW Reed does this post mean that your DSL probs have been sorted?

oohhhh yeah..... hows that finger doin Reed? (Reed = Nub with da hammer! LMAO!)

May 25th, 2004, 09:07 PM
hehehe, keep your eye on the nail boon!!!!!!!!

May 25th, 2004, 11:21 PM
His DSL probs should be solved around Thursday, i.e. when I get a chance... :\

May 26th, 2004, 12:12 AM
Well now look at it! On that third pic, he built it without the roof and only a couple walls! He's still drunk Yankee! Watch that boy! Might hafta fire him! ;)

Good job guys! Looks sharp so far!

May 26th, 2004, 01:17 AM
Nice looking shed. I'm as.suming the concrete blocks are taken away after it's built, no? We have a shed that's similar-looking at our house, except it has a little window. When I was little, I always told my parents that when I got older I was gonna live in it......uhhh, so much for that. Looks good though!

May 26th, 2004, 06:12 AM
actually, the blocks will probably stay. New Orleans area gets alot of standing water, keeping it up off the ground will extend the life of the wood.

May 26th, 2004, 06:15 AM
My only thought is this...if he can build that half drunk and hung-over...imagine what he could do sober!!!

May 26th, 2004, 09:04 AM
No, I think the reason he did a good job WAS because he was half drunk and hung-over :p:

May 26th, 2004, 09:17 AM
No the blocks are staying as mentioned above. Although we are not technically in a flood area, the blocks will give me a little extra time to get anything really important out of there. BTW, the insurance company said we are not required to purchase flood insurance and we really shouldn't worry about it because if our house floods there will be bigger problems to worry about. Might add some windows at some point down the road. Just finished with the roof and put everything inside. Just need to finish painting it.

Still no DSL, had the alarm company come and install a filter in the box with no luck. Dirge will be performing some field work this week to hopefully get me back on-line. It really sucks cause I got my wife's computer and desk all set up so I could set up my system and play a little CS and what do you know, no DSL.
