View Full Version : Gone too far??

May 11th, 2004, 05:06 PM
Ok, have they gone too far? The soldier's name was Nick Berg. This really hurts me and my heart goes out for his family who will probably see the video. The video was the most horrible thing I have ever seen. This is a short article about it.

May 11th, 2004, 05:26 PM
He was not a soldier, he was a contract worker, but that is beside the point. Have they gone to far? We pasted to far a long time ago. Thank the media and who ever put those pics up of the Iraqi prisoners for this. CNN said that This video was in direct response to the Irqai prisoner photos. I saw the video beheading of danel pearl a few months ago, was one of the most horrible things I have seen. I would not recommend anyone watch this new video. It hurts me as well and I feel for the family who has to know now that there loved one was in pain when he died.

May 11th, 2004, 08:25 PM
Worst thing I have ever seen

May 11th, 2004, 09:29 PM
Absolutly horrible. It amazes and disgusts me to think how twisted a human mind can get. Butcher. Plain and simple.

May 11th, 2004, 09:36 PM
and they want us to apologize to them.
just digusting. utterly horrible, my prayers to his family.

May 11th, 2004, 10:19 PM

May 11th, 2004, 10:25 PM
This disturbs me greatly...sick to my stomach. May THEIR death be a slow and agonizing one. Bury them in a fire ant mound.

May 11th, 2004, 10:40 PM
How bout feedin dem to da gators.

May 11th, 2004, 11:07 PM
I will not watch this vidio that is around the internet, and dont think anyone else should either. The last thing i want in my memory is the visions of this guys head being slowly cut off, just the thought of it makes me sick!!

The way the media is handling this news is just plain PISSING ME OFF!!!
They have no care for the families of the people they use to get their ratings.

May 12th, 2004, 06:31 AM
I have to agree with old yeller on this one, the media is taking all this crap way too far. it's time for a moral check.

and I agree with Captains suddle post "hiroshima". Sometimes I wish the Old Testement laws and traditions were in place, you know when God told the Isrealites to go into a land or area and slaughter all the people because they weren't living in God's honor. I'm starting to believe that this kind of action is closer than we think to be becoming a reality in today's world.

May 12th, 2004, 06:48 AM
They blame the photos for this? Did they have the photos when they ran hit the towers? Did they have photos when they burned and hung the bodies on the bridge? They have no limits, and regardless of photos they would be doing this stuff. They just like the fact they can give a "reason" to do things now. Sick.

May 12th, 2004, 07:39 AM
very good point End, these are the bastages we are fighting, whoever does not feel it is just, is just plain ignorant to the fact of what the animals are, I mean come on, this hide in the turtle shell idea is what brought us to this point with 9/11. Now the media is going way to far. I think this guy was a numbnut for being over there in the first place, and now I think his family is loony for suing the government, I mean wtf??

May 12th, 2004, 07:51 AM
I think this guy was a numbnut for being over there in the first place, and now I think his family is loony for suing the government, I mean wtf??

what's even more 'numbnutish' is that this morning I heard on the radio, I think it was 50-100 people from a Houston based company were going to work in Iraq. They are plumbers and constrution people. Talk about stupid people, you couldn't pay me enough to go over there.

May 12th, 2004, 09:27 AM
I have to agree with the Sabre's first post, to agree with Old Yeller about the media. It makes me sick that they would take a sensless act and force feed it to their viewers in order to get more ratings. and to agree with Captain, maybe this is a time that history should repeat itself. Or instead of dropping a bomb, we could show pictures and clips of the devestation the 2 bombs we dropped in Japan caused. and clearly let them know that we have the capability to do that and worse to them.

May 12th, 2004, 09:43 AM
I have to agree with the Sabre's first post, to agree with Old Yeller about the media. It makes me sick that they would take a sensless act and force feed it to their viewers in order to get more ratings. and to agree with Captain, maybe this is a time that history should repeat itself. Or instead of dropping a bomb, we could show pictures and clips of the devestation the 2 bombs we dropped in Japan caused. and clearly let them know that we have the capability to do that and worse to them.

this is true CO, but they also have the capability of doing mass destruction too. We can't be nieve to think that we are safe from things like bio-terrorism. I'm just waiting for the day when it all happens, I personally don't think its too far off.

May 12th, 2004, 10:29 AM
Well since they all want to die and go see ALLA I say we send them on down there....
And I ment to say DOWN there...

But on a serious note " We have a major problem that aint going away " And its only going to get worse, I belive the only thing we can do is go on the defensive and continue like we are going and hopefully keep any other horrific acts like 9/11 from ever happening again. If this means taking the war to them then so be it....

May 12th, 2004, 10:54 AM
What I think you're referring to, Yellow, is called isolationism and leads to more problems as well. It's the world stance we took before WWII. Pretty much, we isolate ourselves from the outside world and try to be self sustaining. Unfortunately, it today's global economy etc, this stance won't work for very long.

It's sad, I think, that when they capture and torture our people, we don't give a public outcry of "that's not fair!" When we capture and torture theirs, it's the first thing that comes out of their (as well as the media's) mouths. Regardless of who was killed or who is tortured, it's HUMAN lives that are being lost. Who cares what nationality or background someone comes from...they're human and are entitled to a given number of things just based on that fact. It's sad, however, that while we live in a country that, for the most part, believes that and makes it part of our daily lives, while other countries are forced to live under tyrany. It will always be that way, though. it's human nature.


May 12th, 2004, 01:54 PM
i agree with the hiroshima post.
the media sucks.
we need another dday i say, storm their countries with all the force we can muster. and annihilate them all. its sad that this video is being shoved down our collective throats, and i just with we would drop more bombs on them.....
or put up embargos on them, starve them.

im not evil, just want justice. justice for lives lost over there. american lives.
i say we kill 20 of their people for every one of our people lost.

May 12th, 2004, 02:37 PM
I'm not trying to sound unamerican here, but those people in the middleeast have been fightin' with one another since biblical times. I really don't see how we think we can go over ther and wave the majic wand of democracy and bring peace. I agree that Sadam and his sons were very bad peaple that desirve to die. They killed and tortured countless numbers of their own people, and generally had no value for human life. If you read the bible, the children of Isreal were supposed to go into Babylon and destroy every living thing(this area today is Iraq). God told Moses to wipe every man, woman, child, livestock, off the earth. Twelve spies were sent, and all but two said that it was a land of giants and could not be taken. That is the reason Moses was never allowed into the promised land and they were forced to wander in the wilderness for fourty years. No one that was of fighting age was allowed to enter. You might say if they had done gods will back then, we may not be having the problems we do today.
