View Full Version : The dream band?

April 8th, 2004, 11:01 AM
Okay, time to get things rolling again time to hit up the Dream band. Put together the best band you can think of.

Vocals----- Geoff Tate
Guitar(lead)-- Steve Vai
Guitar(rythem)- Randy Rhodes
Bass---------- Billy Sheehan
Drums--------- Randy Castillo
Keyboards----- Tommy Keifer (dont laugh that dude can play)

[uGa] Saint
April 10th, 2004, 08:12 PM
can the members be dead, or is this a band that could "possibly" one day form to create an awesome musical force...?

April 10th, 2004, 08:51 PM
My Dream Band would be:

Lead (Alto): Vince Herring
2nd (Alto/Flute): Wess Anderson
3rd (Tenor/Clarinet): Eddie Daniels
4th (Tenor): Victor Goines
5th (Bari): Joe Temperley

Lead: Roger Ingram
2nd/Jazz: Arturo Sandoval
3rd: Ryan Kisor
4th: Ashley Hall

Lead: John Fedchock
2nd/Jazz: Urbie Green
3rd: Jiggs Whigham
Bass: George Roberts

Marcus Roberts

Ron Carter

Herlin Riley

Kevin Eubanks

April 29th, 2004, 07:08 PM
can the members be dead, or is this a band that could "possibly" one day form to create an awesome musical force...?

Well, some of Jester's members are dead and some are alive. So, I'd think you can do both.

I think Geoff Tate, of Queensryche, is still singing but not like the same rock-n-roll sound of the 80's. His voice is not what it used to be from what I heard not too long ago. My ex-husband is in the music industry - he works out at the gym with George Lynch (Lynchmob), who I think is an awesome musician. I'd have to say that, on guitars, I'd rather see Yngwie Malmsteen or Joe Satriani. Ed Van Halen holds his own pretty well (haha). There are too many out there that I'd like to see get together on stage. But, as a product of the 80's, my vote for keyboards would have to be Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran!! OMG they were so cute when I was a kid!! Err, guess you had to be a young girl in the 80's to appreciate what I'm saying. *giggles*
