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  1. What's going down? (8 replies)
  2. BF4 (8 replies)
  3. .NET Developers (3 replies)
  4. MARCH LAN CANCELLED (2 replies)
  5. LAN IV: The Death of LAN (3 replies)
  6. hmmmm (0 replies)
  7. LAN III: Back to Business (16 replies)
  8. Rifle? (6 replies)
  9. LAN II (The Sequel) (68 replies)
  10. LAN (46 replies)
  11. Some things you just can't say any better... (6 replies)
  12. SOPA and PIPA a bad thing..... (7 replies)
  13. Touch Screen juke box (1 replies)
  14. WSJ article... on point! (2 replies)
  15. Osama Bin Laden dead! (7 replies)
  16. YAY! (6 replies)
  17. To PTA or not to PTA that is the question? (8 replies)
  18. Health Care? (13 replies)
  19. My mom got a new heart (13 replies)
  20. Happy Independence Day! (4 replies)
  21. Sorry I've been so quiet :) (11 replies)
  22. Forum Hosting (2 replies)
  23. Dude.....for real???? (4 replies)
  24. New Health Care Bill. (7 replies)
  25. Merry Christmas! (6 replies)
  26. PS3 or Xbox360? (24 replies)
  27. Why You Should Never Talk to the Police (1 replies)
  28. these guys got your President elected (2 replies)
  29. Big Brother. (5 replies)
  30. DAMN son... just.. wow! (5 replies)
  31. In case you're having a bad day... (2 replies)
  32. SOMEBODY hits it on the head.... (2 replies)
  33. Got Stock? (14 replies)
  34. A Interesting Perspective on the Middle East (0 replies)
  35. Nail hit on the Head... VDH (0 replies)
  36. Good thing he's not Muslim... (1 replies)
  37. Epic Failboat ready to sail? (4 replies)
  38. With Press like this... (4 replies)
  39. On the side of Terrorists? Already??? (13 replies)
  40. A refreshing outlook and stance..... (1 replies)
  41. Stop Government Spending... (3 replies)
  42. FYI stuff.... (0 replies)
  43. Obama Voters are Stupid... (27 replies)
  44. Marines Rock It... (1 replies)
  45. Things I've noticed (11 replies)
  46. I voted! (45 replies)
  47. Change we can't count on (15 replies)
  48. Are you kidding me! (7 replies)
  49. Time to step up to the dish... (27 replies)
  50. Match-O-Matic 2 (8 replies)
  51. Uh oh.... (5 replies)
  52. THe markets..... (1 replies)
  53. Oil drilling..1 perspective... (17 replies)
  54. Good Clarification on the Bush Doctrine (12 replies)
  55. hmmmmmmm (0 replies)
  56. Alaskan's View on Palin (10 replies)
  57. VDH on 9/11 (3 replies)
  58. Now THIS I can respect (1 replies)
  59. Bidens Kid is cashing in... (1 replies)
  60. HAHA PWNEd It's about time (4 replies)
  61. Skeletons II ... (4 replies)
  62. Here comes IKE... (22 replies)
  63. Palin, Alaska and Big Oil... (7 replies)
  64. Crapola..this could turn into a mess..... (8 replies)
  65. Opps... More Skeletons fall out of Husseins closet... (16 replies)
  66. Drill for it... (2 replies)
  67. A little distrubing..... (6 replies)
  68. Green but not tree huggin..... (0 replies)
  69. Palin Interview from 03/08... (20 replies)
  70. Life immitates Art (7 replies)
  71. Holy COW... (6 replies)
  72. How do you like him now... (1 replies)
  73. Which way is the wind blowing?...... (10 replies)
  74. Disturbing..... (5 replies)
  75. When will we (Americans) grow a PAIR!?!?! (0 replies)
  76. How YOU can help the oil crisis (29 replies)
  77. Holy Sh!! Not even $10/Gal gas will get Dems to drill here (17 replies)
  78. Jedi Mind Tricks (2 replies)
  79. What is hind-site again?....... (2 replies)
  80. Beware Charismatic Men Who Preach 'Change' (3 replies)
  81. I bet you didn't know - (1 replies)
  82. Former Global Warmer turned (2 replies)
  83. That darn hydrogen feul argument again.... (3 replies)
  84. So WHO should pay more? (16 replies)
  85. Real Men Vote for McCain (2 replies)
  86. Obama's Army (5 replies)
  87. John Stewart on New Yorker cover (1 replies)
  88. Jesse Jackson can say it (14 replies)
  89. It's Time for some Campaign'n (10 replies)
  90. From a Canadian no less!!! (0 replies)
  91. greetings from the boat (6 replies)
  92. Check this site out guys (12 replies)
  93. Is white dwarf offensive too? (12 replies)
  94. ****ing McDonalds (3 replies)
  95. You won't read this in the NYT.... (11 replies)
  96. Welcome Back (2 replies)
  97. Black National Anthem? (23 replies)
  98. Straw Poll (10 replies)
  99. Tom Moe (2 replies)
  100. Obama created a seal / new logo? (6 replies)
  101. This is not the John Kerry I knew (2 replies)
  102. Recent article..... (1 replies)
  103. This guy rocks.... (2 replies)
  104. Knock those black people's chip right off their shoulder (8 replies)
  105. "Cooking Wif Coolio" - I can't stop laughing (1 replies)
  106. Hillary Man (0 replies)
  107. Open letter to the Candidates (3 replies)
  108. WTF (3 replies)
  109. DAMN Barrack!!! (7 replies)
  110. What do you hillbillies and rednecks think of this? (13 replies)
  111. Drunk Mexican enters a bike race (9 replies)
  112. MSNBC Hitting with the Hard Questions (7 replies)
  113. A little help (2 replies)
  114. Juicing the Roids (4 replies)
  115. BF2 2LT Promotion!! (8 replies)
  116. This is gonna leave a mark (8 replies)
  117. Can't Stop Laughing! (12 replies)
  118. why do we keep giving these people a soap box? (27 replies)
  119. John McCain and his past.... (8 replies)
  120. Do you support Net Neutrality? (0 replies)
  121. And you thought it was all about the laughs... (0 replies)
  122. Umm... This.... uh... Just check it out (11 replies)
  123. We are going backwards here (7 replies)
  124. WTF are tehse people thinking? (6 replies)
  125. If the Academy did this when Mahony was a cadet.... (5 replies)
  126. don't know whether to laugh or cry (3 replies)
  127. Droopy pants law... (5 replies)
  128. Fans of Guitar Hero... (0 replies)
  129. lmao @ the british (16 replies)
  130. Why I'll vote for McCain... (3 replies)
  131. I'm an Angry White Man (8 replies)
  132. Berkley California tells Marines to get the F-Out of town (14 replies)
  133. Islam; Coming soon to a town near you... (16 replies)
  134. aint it the truth! (3 replies)
  135. Edwards Out: No Endorsement (7 replies)
  136. British = sheeple (3 replies)
  137. Story of 3 Little Pigs - Racist and Offensive (2 replies)
  138. Ready for some New Blood.... (8 replies)
  139. Stones (6 replies)
  140. HELP ME!!! I need a caption! (10 replies)
  141. He's NOT a Hero to me... (7 replies)
  142. What temperature do you set your thermostat on? (5 replies)
  143. Can't make her younger, taller or male (1 replies)
  144. High Def DVD Wars (17 replies)
  145. Were you wrongly accused of a crime? (5 replies)
  146. Say Thanks to our Troops... (1 replies)
  147. A Welcome Home... (1 replies)
  148. Damn Hippies (1 replies)
  149. Hate Speech Law added to Defense Spending Bill (4 replies)
  150. arsehats (2 replies)
  151. Tinfoil hat time again! (1 replies)
  152. Too Hot or Too Cold? Which is it? (4 replies)
  153. Where spoiled kids come from (6 replies)
  154. You can't make this up... (5 replies)
  155. Give One. Get One. (11 replies)
  156. 2 Thes 3:7-12 (2 replies)
  157. Hey guys.. This threads about my Dad (25 replies)
  158. Classic!!! (2 replies)
  159. Meanwhile, over at the NSA... (1 replies)
  160. What happens when things go wrong on my job (2 replies)
  161. Eat **** Harry Reid.... (2 replies)
  162. STOP THE WORLD I WANT TO GET OFF! by YellowDog (8 replies)
  163. There are times... (1 replies)
  164. bwahahaha BUSTED! (6 replies)
  165. How's your blood pressure? (4 replies)
  166. Yet another interesting (at least to me) topic (2 replies)
  167. (Let's try this again) Dredged up from the muck of politics... (1 replies)
  168. Veteran's Day (0 replies)
  169. 5,000 lb vehicle gets 60mpg and does 0-to-60 in 5sec (2 replies)
  170. "I took mah son ta skooo...." (4 replies)
  171. Worth the time to Read.... (1 replies)
  172. More of Hillary Speak... (6 replies)
  173. The REAL GI Joe (7 replies)
  174. Hillary Uncensored (0 replies)
  175. 2nd grader suspended for drawing gun (11 replies)
  176. Day by Day We are winning.... (4 replies)
  177. Not a rant this time - Interesting (2 replies)
  178. PC running AMOK! (14 replies)
  179. OK, this is stupid (4 replies)
  180. Limbaugh Smear Letter being Auctioned off on Ebay (2 replies)
  181. Forget Gore! (2 replies)
  182. Are YOU ready for this?.... (8 replies)
  183. I just don't know what to say about this... (8 replies)
  184. Mo' gummint stuff (1 replies)
  185. From a Marine... (4 replies)
  186. First I've heard of this... Chilling! (5 replies)
  187. Michael Yon.. Back in Iraq. (3 replies)
  188. What is the world coming to? (6 replies)
  189. He may have the Tools to beat her. (3 replies)
  190. Deer Hunting 101 (28 replies)
  191. I Still Think This Crap is Flawed (4 replies)
  192. Ready for a New Bout of Reverse Discrimination (6 replies)
  193. Think Baghdad is dangerous? (0 replies)
  194. INTEL 80core CPU [email protected] (1 replies)
  195. watch this (6 replies)
  196. Now What??? (2 replies)
  197. More on Iraq... (11 replies)
  198. Globalization (Defined) (3 replies)
  199. Did you think Oil prices would drop? (8 replies)
  200. interesting (8 replies)
  201. Iraq Dynamics... (0 replies)
  202. US Troops get Green Light.... (8 replies)
  203. Michael Yon on Route Tampa.... (5 replies)
  204. More from Michael Yon .... (0 replies)
  205. Getting stoned has a new meaning (9 replies)
  206. General David Petraeus visits Baqubah. (0 replies)
  207. Mitt Grizzwald er Romney (2 replies)
  208. Meet Sir Whatachoad (4 replies)
  209. Sometimes picking up the phone works... (5 replies)
  210. I wish we could get away with this (14 replies)
  211. Not AGAIN (15 replies)
  212. Avid Protestor (9 replies)
  213. More Operation Arrowhead Ripper... (0 replies)
  214. Chris Benoit and family (32 replies)
  215. Refreshing to read (4 replies)
  216. Gotta Love Kids (6 replies)
  217. They found her (8 replies)
  218. 40yr old HS coach marries 16yr old student (20 replies)
  219. Surrender or Die... (0 replies)
  220. What do you know about Jihad? (35 replies)
  221. It's a privledge not a right... (17 replies)
  222. Just about right (2 replies)
  223. Just a reminder :) (0 replies)
  224. Michael Yon... (1 replies)
  225. Interesting Lecture (1 replies)
  226. What do ya'll think about Ron Paul? (24 replies)
  227. New Diary Found (1 replies)
  228. Goodby Cindy Sheehan (7 replies)
  229. my apology (8 replies)
  230. Remembering Jimmah... (3 replies)
  231. Mike died. (4 replies)
  232. It's a shame (20 replies)
  233. AND THE NEWS ROOM GOES SILENT (7 replies)
  234. Memorial Day's Hero's (1 replies)
  235. I'll dance a jig when he's gone.... (2 replies)
  236. For the Linux Guys on here... (2 replies)
  237. One man fights to honor HIS flag (7 replies)
  238. Just to start the day with a smile :) (5 replies)
  239. Londonistan.... (1 replies)
  240. Greensburg... (14 replies)
  241. Plan to Decrease Terrorism/Poverty/Greenhouse Emissions (3 replies)
  242. Dave Chappelle: The victim? (9 replies)
  243. Shooting Rampage.... (37 replies)
  244. good read I thought (3 replies)
  245. Peaceful People :) (7 replies)
  246. Liberals Eat Imus... (35 replies)
  247. Illegal Immigrant (26 replies)
  248. Mullahs... Screwing Themselves... (2 replies)
  249. NEWS: Iran gives brits a present! L M A O (6 replies)
  250. British Navy Watched as Marines were Kidnapped... (48 replies)