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* : Depending on the settings chosen by the administrator(s) of the forum, you might not have access to all these features.
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Thread: Stats question

  1. #1

    Stats question

    Hey guys can anyone tell me why all my stats arent updating. my basic pistol badge and a couple of others I dont remember which havent shown up. I have like 20 pistl kills and i only needed 5 for the first badge

  2. it might be the server you were on was it rank and some server are slow that's all I cas say hope it helps

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Baton Rouge
    Like John said, you need to make sure you are playing the ranked servers (there's a check box in the filter for it). Also, some of those awards are IAR (in a round). Did you get the notification (drum roll) during the round and the stats not show up? If so, give it a day or so before you give up on it. Sometimes there is a lag in the reporting of it to EA.

    Unfortunately, you sometimes miss out on awards and have to get them multiple times due to a glitch on EA's part. I know it sucks, but it happens to everyone so I guess that is some small consolation.

  4. #4
    thanks guys i dont know they should have been ranked i think i have it checked and maybe eyou are right about one round cause i got it tonight. thanks

  5. #5
    LA_MERC_YellowDog's Avatar
    LA_MERC_YellowDog is offline In the words of ...Sam Raimi..."Give Me Some Sugar Baby!"

    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    South Carolina
    OMG.. we got the makings of another stats\/\/hore...

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Baton Rouge
    Congrats on the award Sniper! It's always nice to hear that drum roll. Keep 'em coming.

    There was a pretty good group on last night. Some good rounds as well. It's always a pain to get stuck on the opposite sides, but it seemed like there was a squad of Mercs on either side. We at least got in a little I/O practice. Good stuff.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    It seems that sniper is on the Bf2 crack now. hehhehehe- go get em bud.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Rollout's Avatar
    Rollout is offline This Avatar is for David :)

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Just score more points, he who has the most wins AND can take them with them when they die!!!!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by LA_MERC_Rollout View Post
    Just score more points, he who has the most wins AND can take them with them when they die!!!!
    ::: pictures Rollout on the phone :::

    Dammit EA....why can't I trade in my Credit Card points for stat points????

    This is total BS!!!

    Why do I put up with this?!?!!?



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