LA_MERC Chatbox

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The MGC Chatbox Evo is really easy to use

You can :
  1. Send chats : you just have to enter the text in the dedicated input field and then to validate it by pushing the return key ou by clicking on the OK button.
  2. Format the chats :
  3. once you un-collapse the chatbox formatting toolbar by clicking on the BBCode button, you have access to different formatting options for your chats. You can format a chat by selecting a part (or the totality) of it and then select one of the buttons/list. You can also add empty formatting tags by selecting nothing and clicking one of the buttons/menu thus allowing you to add the chat text afterwards between these tags.*
  4. Access to the different channels : you can have access to different channels restricted to only some usergroupds or for specifics use of the chatbox. The different channels are accessible from the buttons on the left of the chatbox.*
  5. Edit your chats (or others chats) : the edition of a chat can be done by a simple double-click on it.*
  6. Use specific commands : some commands can be accessible in the chatbox depending on the will of the administrator(s) of your forum. These commands let you execute specific actions of formatting, management, etc... You will herebelow the information on the command which are accessible to you. You must notice that you are not forced to use the command prefixes (/command_name) when you use them in the channel they are attached to (except in the general channel).*
* : Depending on the settings chosen by the administrator(s) of the forum, you might not have access to all these features.
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Results 61 to 63 of 63
  1. I will be in the Sn][per only server early to get a few more distance stuff figured. Remember the only way they really know more is the exact distance thing, and they have a few that good everywhere on the map. They actually use the attack here command to figure distances when they get a long kill shot. I saw {Sn][per} SignGuy make a 1 shot 1 kill with the L96a1 from 600+ meters last night. Verified with the attack here command. They know their drops. They are still human though and can get fixed on a hard shot over someone that is in plain sight. Work different angles in the same area and do not be to big of a man to call for help from a teammate. I think I have a lot of the "secret" spots worked out, and the biggest thing is to cap our flag first. This will force them to have to catch up to us, and if we are patient enough, they will move. Have game sounds turned up also so you can hear where shots are coming from. Move slow, relocate often unless confident of a position, and stay low when relocating. It may take time to get there, but it will be worth it. This will be rough, but I truly think we have a chance here.
    Do gay people have straightdars? - LaTech's Sister
    Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company. -Booker T. Washington

  2. #62

    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Slidell, LA
    sounds fun should be there...can you say decoy!!! :p

  3. #63
    Innate Girls Champion!
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Grand Rapids, MI
    I still need an IP/Port and Password

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