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Thread: Motion sickness

  1. #16

    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Spanish Fort, Alabama
    Lol, Mindwerks. There are clouds and the hud does change, what is your vid setting. Plus I think you mean an Immelman not a reverse S. [What is a reverse S], The split S is not a maneuver you want to execute as you lose altitude. The split S or some call a reverse Immelman is you simply roll the plane over 180 then do an immelman. You should stick to the Immelman as it number one slows your plane down, and in a turning fight you want to be the slowest plane with the sharpest turn radius and two you gain altitude on the enemy. The immelman is done by pulling back on the stick and doing a half lop and at the top of the loop, roll back over. Also, immelman never really stayed into an immelman maneuver in actual combat as the opposing plane is never 180 from you when you come out of the climb and roll. What he would do is as he reached the top of the climb before he leveled out he would try to locate the nemy then use rudder to turn the nose of the plane for the better angle of attack. This is called the "Hammerhead". I guess it shows but I played a lot of the game "Aces of the Pacific" many years ago and read the book on it like 100 times. A true immelman is only used in air shows, plus the fact that todays high tech panes fire and forget long before you would ever see the enemy, so no need for dogfighting skills any more, but in BF2 stick with the Hammerhead.
    Also known by my given Indian name. "He who struggles with fire water"

  2. #17

    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    St. Louis, MO
    I called it a reverse S... I guess in reality its two back to back immelman's... at least thats what I do on the key board.

    I got a new joystick when I bought the retail and now I'm having fun playing with that. I accedently set up my controls wrong though and had all of my axis reversed. So I'm sitting on the runway and hit the gas with after burner and my jet goes BACKWARDS...WTH. I crashed into the hanger...

    So I fix that and get off the ground next life to find that I reversed my left and right... and then spiral into the mountain out of control.... ugg

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