First of all I don't know how you shoot with those damn pee-shooters, but gawd you can! Secondly, I knife because when I get in close I can't hit shiot! I used my pistol a bunch, then started carrying the Dart gun.. and I'm paying for it. I click for my pistol and now launch a Dart.. :/ *die*... I do enjoy killing with the smoke launcher... But man 15k an hour!! shoot I can't get there, and too think how you'd dominate with a Plane!

Well based on my knife signature, I've not got you 7 times. I'm sure on of our boyz would trade you however. I tried to get Bacowrath 5 times in a around... Got four on him.. then he started Running!!!!

We need a big group night!! Drop the LOTR and lets roll Onji, Drifter, Tugs, Johncst, Mav, Frag, Doc, Baco!... LETS DO IT!!