    War on Terror High Scores
Description: The bombing has begun and now its your job to track down Saddam, Osama and the rest of the terrorists hiding in their caves. Direct the missiles and free the world of evil!
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achieved in the game War on Terror the best score
Highscore: 4115
# Username Score Comment Time time played
1 LA_MERC_BS 4115 08-27-07 15:17 N/A
2 LA_MERC_Cowboy_From_Hell 3351 06-24-07 23:49 N/A
3 LA_MERC_MaggotPulse 156 06-29-07 20:02 N/A
4 LA_MERC_MaggotPulse 0 -- N/A
5 LA_MERC_Nutria 0 -- N/A

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